Frequently Asked Questions

There is a Loss Adjuster already appointed by my Insurance Company why do I need to appoint a Loss Assessor as well to do the same job?

Loss Adjusters are appointed by the Insurance Company to protect their interest not yours. Their sole purpose is to adjust on the claim presented to them by you. They will not prepare and present the claim on your behalf. This will be your responsibility and you will have to negotiate with all the various parties involved to ensure your claim is presented correctly unless you appoint a Claim Consultant. Assessor Direct will negotiate with the Loss Adjuster to ensure you receive the maximum settlement under the terms of your policy.

If I contact my Insurance Broker they will they not offer the kind of assistance I need?

Insurance Brokers primary function is to sell insurance policies. Thy will do their best to assist you, in as far as possible with your claim however, they will not have the resources or capacity to help you with getting the best possible settlement under the terms of your policy.

If my claim is already reported to my insurance company is it too late to have Assessor Direct involved?

It is never too late to involve a Claim Consultant such as Assessor Direct however, it is best to allow us represent you from the beginning because what you say or do at this stage may have serious implications for the eventual outcome. At Assessor Direct we prefer to handle the full claim process from the outset which is when we can be most effective.

How long does it take to settle my claim?

There are no set rules or guidelines to follow in the settlement process. It generally takes between 4 – 8 weeks before a settlement cheque is received by the insured. At Assessor Direct we have built strong working relationships with all the insurance companies which ensures your claim will progress as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What will it cost me?

We charge a small percentage of the settlement based on the size of the claim. Our fees are completely performance based ensuring we work our hardest for you at all times. The difference we make in what you receive more than offset our fees. We do not expect payment until you receive your cheque ensuring you are never out of pocket. This means we have a strong incentive to achieve the best claim settlement in the shortest possible time.

Do I have to pay Assessor Direct if I lose?

It is very rare that neither your insurance company nor other parties are liable for your problem, we make no charge for our time or services.

If my claim needs other specialists are the cost of these covered under my policy?

It may be the case that your claim requires the use of other specialists such as fire / flood restoration companies or architects, you are entitled to claim their fees from your insurer. It is important that the levels of fees are agreed in advance. We will handle all such negotiations on your behalf.