Theft Insurance Claims


When a burglary occurs at your premises it can be traumatic and leave you feeling violated.

There are key issues that need to be addressed:

  • Who will carry out the emergency repairs to make your property safe
  • Do you need documentation to prove what has been stolen
  • What will form the basis of your claim calculation and how do we value what has been taken
  • How long will the process take and will I get everything that I look for

These are just some of the questions that will come up when you have to make an insurance claim. Without the valuable support and back up provided by Assessor Direct the onus will be on you to find solutions to these problems as well as trying to carry on with your normal daily routine.

Insurance companies employ a Loss Adjuster to adjust on your contents and building claim and although they are employed independently by the insurance company it is in their interest to settle your claim as economically as possible.Theft

The truth is that without engaging a Property Claim Consultant like Assessor Direct your claim is only a number within the system and control of your insurance company. When appointed Assessor Direct get to work immediately on your behalf allowing you to get on with your life.

We offer free advice to you and there is no obligation so call one of our experienced Claim Consultants to see how we can help you with your burglary claim. Please dial freephone 1800 252467 or complete our online enquiry form.